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Kamila Ferens created her men's suits collection

published: 08 August 2014 | 17:41:02

Kamila Ferens created her men's suits collection

Kamila Ferens visited Richmart factory from 4th to 8th August 2014. She had a training in measuring, fitting and alterations. As a participant in the Men's Style project she received the opportunity to create 5 models of men's suits, which will be produced at Richmart factory completely free of charge with her brand name.

Kamila shared that the Men's Style project is a great opportunity for her to develop a men's suit brand. Most of the students she studied with did not have a chance to start working in the fashion industry after they graduated.

We are also happy that Kamila joined the team of the Men's Style project and started creating designer suits for men.

Showing your designer skills in men's suits is not easy. There are strict rules that must be followed by the designer, but this makes the work more challenging and interesting for Kamila. She created 5 models of men's suits, which will be produced in 2-3 weeks at Richmart factory and then presented at international fashion fairs.

Kamila Ferens created her men Kamila Ferens created her men

Kamila Ferens created her men Kamila Ferens created her men

1. Kamila Ferens, fashion designer from Poland and Dean Manev, Sales Manager of the Men's Fashion Cluster

2-5. Sketches of men's suits models by Kamila Ferens





We are accepting applications from fashion designers from Europe and USA to join the Men's Style fashion design project. Just fill in the application form

Job opportunity - Become a Made-to-measure Agent in Europe or USA

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